
Breathe Yoga Leaf icon

The Foundation of the Practice

It begins with the breath. We take our very first breath when we are born, and our last when we pass on. Many of the breaths drawn in between go entirely unnoticed, yet our breath is fundamental to our lives, to life - indeed, breath is life and our relationship with it can literally transform how we feel in the world. Breath is also fundamental to our yoga practice: the deeper the breath, the better the practice, and here at Breathe you will discover ways to deepen the connection with yourself through practice as you learn, grow, and feel more joy!

Unroll your mat. Notice your breath.

Follow your impulse to be well

Whether you’re practicing with us in our beautiful studio, or online in your own space, we are here to meet you just where you are. We have classes for all levels, and within each class we offer variations of poses (asanas) to suit your ability. We encourage you to take a variety of classes to discover what type of practice resonates best with you and brings you a sense of balance. Our instructors are nurturing, knowledgeable and always willing to assist in our students' journey to wellness, through focus and celebration of what the body can do.

Breathe is a place to cultivate the union of mind and body on the foundation of the breath.

Breathe Yoga Lotus Flower icon
inhale love...exhale gratitude

Breathe Yoga Chelsea is a safe, non-judgemental space to explore with guidance; a space where you can discover, connect, and grow.

Learn to connect to yourself on the mat and rediscover through practice a sense of grounding and calm that you can take into the world.

Each person is different. We all have our own unique life experiences, genetics, range of motion. There is no perfect yoga practice and no perfect pose; each expression is unique. Listen to how you feel, and practice what works best for your individual body.

Breathe Yoga Icon
Breathe Yoga Amy Busch - Owner and Lead Instructor
root to rise

Welcome to the Breathe Community

Whether you’re new to yoga or a continuing student, I’d love to answer any questions you may have about getting started at Breathe Yoga Chelsea.

I’m excited to meet you, and look forward to seeing you on your mat!

Amy - Owner & Lead Instructor, Breathe Yoga Chelsea